You can provide general notes and thoughts here. The time line is pulled from the workshop units.

Requirements and Set Up

Name of the task

Provide a brief description of the task.

Name of another task

Provide a brief description of this task.

Oh. You need a little dummy text for your mockup? How quaint.

Chicharrones quinoa brooklyn, subway tile pug la croix activated charcoal organic meditation craft beer raclette celiac. Flannel austin craft beer listicle gastropub lomo squid pug. 8-bit kickstarter palo santo marfa

vegan godard waistcoat selfies chartreuse letterpress. Actually hell of 3 wolf moon live-edge, everyday carry pop-up biodiesel tbh. Mustache irony hot chicken, hoodie roof party pickled hella sartorial biodiesel messenger bag shaman live-edge selfies.


Introduction ( 0 - 10 minutes)

Introduce yourselves, then go through slides up to the what is data part.

Will need to play the video.

Discuss as necessary?

Data Definitions and Scope ( 10 - 25 minutes)

Often what data is, is a matter of contention. While defining data, what we really need to focus on is all the research products are targets for management.

  • Let attendees attempt to define data
  • Relate to what funding agencies are looking for
  • Relate to what they are really generating in their work.

Starting a Project ( 25 - 35 minutes)
  • Let attendees discuss how to start a project
  • Introduce roles, responsibilities

Roles Exercise ( 35 - 45 minutes)

Use the workshop to develop roles and responsibilities for their project.

Data Description ( 45 - 50 minutes)

Understanding the file types, amound of data, types of data as well as complexity and velocity are important to preparing a research project.

Just go through slides, make sure and allow questions. One important topic is handling proprietary file types.

Data Description Exercise ( 50 - 60 minutes)

Attendees describe the types of data they plan to work with, along with estimate size, complexity etc.

Naming, Organization and Style ( 60 - 75 minutes)

Naming conventions, file organization and style are important for organizing your work. Not only does good naming and style help make your work more understandable, but it it also aids greatly in facilitating automation. Also, poor style can lead to inefficiency and loss of data.

Naming, Organization and Style ( 75 - 95 minutes)

Attendees will start developing a style guide for their project. Then share with a neighbor to get feedback.

Communication ( 95 - 100 minutes)

Establishing how you will communicate, along with rules for when certain channels are used is important.

Communication Exercise ( 100 - 110 minutes)

Briefly come up with a communication strategy.

This unit is a good candidate for dropping or making more brief.

Documentation and Metadata ( 110 - 120 minutes)

Documentation is very important! This is really how you can maintain your understand of what you did years ago, and also help others undersand yoru work. Metadata may or may not be required for your work.

Documentation and Metadata Excercise ( 120 - 130 minutes)

Attendees map out a strategy for documenting their work. Given time they can look for a metadata standard.

Archiving ( 130 - 140 minutes)

Discuss how to archive and share work.