Even small research projects can be difficult ot manager efficiently, and even projects on small budgets can generate large amounts of complex data. Managing data to increase openness and reproducibility can add additional levels of complexity. Also most projects involve multiple researhers and are highly collaborative. Here we take a project management approach towards managing your data, that focuses on techniques and tools that will increase your efficiency as both the complexity of your data and the complexity of your projects increases.

  • Level:


  • Duration: 2 hours 20 minutes


  • Familiarity with the research enterprise

  • Willingness to discuss both successes and failure

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the value of good data and why project management is important

  • Learn the basic principles of data management

  • Improve file management

  • Improve collaborative skills in research projects

  • Understand how data and project management, reproducibility, and open research are related


  • Ability to adapt current best practices to your own research

  • Familiarity with resources and tools available for data management


  1. Introduction